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conscious coven

con • scious

adjective. 1: awake.  2: perceiving or noticing with a degree of controlled thought or observation. 3: done or acting with critical awareness. 4: capable of or marked by thought, will, design, or perception.

co • ven

noun. 1: a collection of individuals with similar interests or activities (a coven of intellectuals).  2: an assembly or band of witches.


So, you’ve read the books, assembled the tools, celebrated full moons, and attended women’s circles. You’re a Mystic! But are you really living and breathing your spirituality? Being a Mystic means walking the path twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week – not just on new and full moons.


Conscious Coven is a mystical sanctuary where I have the honor of sharing my wisdom to guide you toward creating a personal spiritual practice of your own. You will learn to cultivate a personal relationship with Deity, create a personal manifesto, understand the concepts of sacred space, develop the elements of a daily practice, tune into the Wheel of the Year and the elements, and craft meaningful personal rituals.

You’ve always had the power my dear,
you just had to learn it for yourself.
Glinda, The Good Witch

You will have the opportunity to hone your craft alongside other powerful and like-minded women in a safe and inspired environment, enabling you to move beyond the basic Mystic and enter the sacred space of the AlcheMystic within. Through the acts of pausing, reflecting, and taking inventory of your spiritual toolbox, you'll be empowered to learn and embody many ancient mystical practices to create a modern spiritual life you'll love, one that reflects your own personal beliefs and core values.


We are all Mystics at heart, spiritual seekers yearning to discover and express the sacred within. 


Conscious Coven is a private membership community mindfully created and curated as a haven of connection – where women from all over the world can gather to learn, create, and grow their own spiritual practice, share experiences, thoughts, insights, and ideas, and find community, support, and encouragement through sacred ritual, open conversation, free expression, and deep inquiry.


I believe in the power of sisterhood, creating community, and empowering all women to step into their Soul Sovereignty.


Sister, you are welcome, seen, and necessary. I am honored to invite you to Conscious Coven.

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what is conscious coven?

  • A monthly membership community where women who wish to dive deeper into ancient mystical wisdom, magical craft, and modern psychology to enhance their spiritual life can find both tools and community to aid in their personal journey.


  • An online space to visit anytime with access to ancient earth wisdom, magical practices, Soul Sovereignty archetypes, tarot, astrology, sacred ritual, emotional energetics, goddess mythology, and spiritual growth resources to help you gain knowledge and new perspectives.


  • A private space of inspired ideas and insights, where both traditional and modern concepts are considered and challenged.


  • A place of connection, where women from around the world can gather to share experiences, thoughts, knowledge, and transformational ways of thinking, all in a supportive and engaging community.

a peek inside conscious coven

Earth Wisdom Cottage: everything you need to know about the Wheel of the Year, the Sabbats, The Seasons, The Elements, and the way of living a spiritual life that follows Nature’s cycles and wisdom.


The Grimoire: everything you need to know about altar creation, spells, meditations, crystals, herbs, oils, food traditions, poetry, and more.


Tarot Parlour: everything you need to know about tarot cards and their meanings, where you’ll find a unique library of tarot spreads and engage in meaningful tarot conversation with others.


Cosmic Observatory: everything you need to know about the houses, signs, planets, transits, your natal chart, the intersection of goddess mythology and the cosmos, and more.


The Apothecary: all the elixirs, potions, tinctures, and tools you’ll ever need.


The Library: simple how-to guides for creating easy rituals to add magic to your life, as well as an array of resources, books, and websites for deeper dives into what interests you personally.


The Coven Cafe: a community space for commenting and sharing ideas, insights, observations, and questions to truly create connection, challenge your practices, and help bring you to the next level of your spiritual life.


Coven Gatherings: monthly coven gatherings and workshops with Sara (and guest presenters) where we can all commune, connect, learn, share, explore, and grow together.

If you are hearing the call to deepen your spiritual practice, I invite you to wholeheartedly trust your intuition and join myself and a supportive community of like-minded women who are devoted to weaving the magic back into every day life!


When will Conscious Coven doors officially open?

The doors are officially open!


What is the monthly membership investment?

Only $14.99 per month!


Who is Conscious Coven open to?

Conscious Coven is for women and people identifying as women, who are at least 18 years of age, and who wish to deepen their knowledge of ancient mystical wisdom and magical craft for modern spiritual living, regardless of where they are on their journey.


In what time zone will the coven gatherings and mystic workshops be scheduled?

All live gatherings and workshops will be scheduled for Eastern Standard Time (EST), with the locations of all members taken into consideration so that as many people as possible will have the opportunity to attend, connect, and participate. All feedback regarding the scheduled times of all events will be welcomed and considered!

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